Translator Teams
Evangel Bible works with international and indigenous leaders to serve under-resourced people around the world. We work globally to transform lives through God’s Word. We are committed to developing local community leadership as well as relief and community development where we serve.We know prayer is a powerful resource and have witnessed the difference prayer can make. Please pray with us for our translator teams and community leaders in their places of service. Together, we will believe for miracles to unfold as God provides for their needs. In addition, we invite you to join in continual intercession for them as they persevere in translating and sharing the Word of God to the ends of the earth.Many of our translator teams serve globally and do not post their profiles online. Please pray with us and consider giving financially to help our translator teams and indigenous leaders as they serve.

Bob & Jean Young – Saboba, Ghana
Dr. Jean is the Medical Superintendent for the Saboba Medical Centre, a 95-bed mission hospital Dr. Jean also mentors two doctors and is heavily involved in the efforts to educate community leaders about Ebola and Cholera. The Young’s have served in Ghana since 1988.

ATS Jeremiah - S. Asia
Doing Bible translation work for the Matu Chin.

Tholung Daniel Lamkang - S. Asia
Doing Bible translation for the Lamkang.

John and Diana Lubeck – Guatemala
Doing Bible translation for the Chortí.

*Our missionary works with the Hill Madia – S. Asia
Doing Bible translation, literacy and education work.

*Our missionary works with the Magahi – S. Asia
Doing Bible translation, evangelism and radio broadcasts.

*Our missionary works as a Translation Consultant - S. Asia
She works as a translation Consultant and Workshop Coordinator for Evangel Bible. She also has worked for 10 years on the Magahi translation project.